Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pop Goes the Potty

Potty training...and birthday parties!

Potty training is a messy, messy thing. Older kid is going a pretty good job at it, he hasn't had an accident in weeks, and stands up to pee on a stool and everything. He can even pull up his big boy pants himself! But the number one problem is with number two...

He cant seem to go number two when he isn't sleeping. Which is a problem because that means we can't predict when he might go when he's awake. Because he doesn't. He sleep poops.

I asked our pediatrician about this, and he suggested putting him on the potty ten minutes before he naps, and ten minutes before he goes to bed. I've tried this, and all I have managed to get out of him are a couple of toots.

We have an award system for the kid; he gets a gummy bear whenever he successfully goes pee pee in the potty. It seems to be working, until he gets tired of gummy bears. But who gets sick of gel made from the melted bones and hooves of animals? Maybe I need to try a more vegan approach and give him Twizzlers instead...

The baby is the big ONE now! And walking around like crazy. It took him about two days to accomplish this. I mean, seriously, at least give me some warning before I have to go out and spend $40 on new shoes for you. I mean, at least the day before my nonexistent paycheck. We had a toned down party at my grandma's house, and do let me share the picture of my beautiful, cream cheese icing, triple fudge chocolate chip, hand made cake.

Hey, at least I tried. And it only cost me about $10 to make! Take that, Publix and your delicious chocolate iced cakes of wonderment.

James got plenty of gifts, and was extremely pleased with the bags and paper and Styrofoam that came with each one. He was also pleased with his smash cupcake.
How adorbs, really.
But now, I have to go. The baby (now one year old) is trying to bang on these keys while simultaneously chewing on a big block of said Styrofoam. More later!
Love you all.